An estimated 33 percent—some 78 million tons—of the U.S. food supply is wasted every year, including nearly a pound of food per day in every household. This in a country with some 44 million ...
An estimated 30 percent of produce in America never makes it off the farm. That means that for every two heads of iceberg lettuce shipped to a grocery store, one is left to rot.
Consider the apple. America’s most iconic fruit is a crucial component of our culture (American as apple pie!), diet, and economy. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture ...
The Food & Environment Reporting Network is the first independent, non-profit news organization that produces in-depth and investigative journalism in the critically under-reported areas of food, ...
In January 2019, students at Lovin Elementary School in Lawrenceville, Georgia, took a hard look at how much food they were throwing away. It was Taco Day, and as lunch period wrapped ...
We live on a planet where people still die of starvation, and yet we continue to waste so much food. It’s a problem, for sustenance but also for the environment. You may not be aware of ...
By Theodore Ross I have three kids, and if I’ve learned anything in my eighteen years of parenting — and you can confirm with my wife whether in fact I’ve learned anything — it’s that not all of ...
I am an expert on wasting food, if only because I do it so much. For me, there’s a sense of profound shame in this profligacy, because I’m acting in ways that I know are destructive to mother ...
Only recently has the idea of reducing food waste moved beyond a niche concern. Gone are the days when it was solely the preoccupation of Depression-era grandparents and self-righteous dumpster divers ...
The print edition of Switchyard includes an opening essay by its editor, Ted Genoways, a longtime FERN contributor and a fitting partner for this project. It is worth quoting, to describe the ...
This series explores these concerns as an issue of social and environmental injustice, one that merits examination of the role played by local political and regulatory authorities.
By Theodore Ross I’m coming up on my first year working with the good folks at FERN, and I’ve been spending some time thinking about what we do. If you don’t already know it, FERN is an ...