As the semester wraps up, so does the Pioneer Player season with The One Act Festival. The One Act Festival is often the final exam for Theatre 4330, or Directing Class, in which Theatre majors or ...
Taylor Jenkin Reid’s “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” is an amazing book. It follows a young unknown writer who has been tasked with writing a memoir about the famous fictional celebrity actress, ...
A New Jersey man has been charged with a federal hate crime after breaking into the Center for Islamic Life at Rutgers University (CILRU) and destroying property. Jacob Beacher, 24, was arrested April ...
So in turn you watch over your back at all times. I was frightened to step outside at 7.
Description: Winter forest scene with geese in flight. (Morgan Fuerstenberg) ...
What is it? The Automotive Enthusiasts Club (AEC) is a student-run organization on the UW-Platteville campus that diligently focuses on fixing, improving, and learning about all things ...
Automotive Enthusiast Club held their spring 2024 car show in the Russell Hall parking lot on May 4 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Over 100 cars and motorcycles were in attendance, with winners voted on by ...
I sit across for a woman I know deeply. A woman I have spent many nights with. Someone I have be wake with in the dark of 3 AM moaning. Tangled in the sheets of our bed. Not the cold, dark, comfort of ...
After decisions made in July 2023 to end all instruction at the UW-Platteville branch campus in Richland County, the entire branch campus will be completely closed. The Richland campus opened in Sept.
The most recognizable feature on Pluto is its “heart,” a relatively bright valentine-shaped area known as Tombaugh Regio. How that heart got started is one of the dwarf planet’s deepest mysteries – ...
Hannah Nicole Maehrer’s “Assistant to the Villain” was born from “booktok” discussion on tropes but turned into something much more. We follow Evie Sage, who crosses paths one day with the kingdom’s ...
“Additionally outside of my work career, I create art that focuses on mental health awareness and wellness by varying my medium, styles and techniques. As a person who struggles with mental health, I ...