Chairman of the Government Mikhail Mishustin signed a resolution approving amendments to the Regulation on Flood zones and flooding. The adopted changes will optimize the procedure for approving or ...
The Moscow Arbitration Court declared Sergei Osipov, the former chairman of the Board of Kapitalbank, bankrupt and introduced a property sale procedure against him. This is stated in the message of ...
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KPMG unites KPMG UK and KPMG Swiss to create a new company with revenue of $4.4 billion ...
The nationwide core consumer price index in Japan was 2.6% year-on-year in April 2024. This is stated in the message of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan. The national ...
On May 27, 2024, in Tashkent, within the framework of the state visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Uzbekistan, Head of the Rosselkhoznadzor Sergey Dankvert and Director General of the Plant ...
The Australian exploration company RareX Limited has entered into an agreement to acquire a large niobium rare earth deposit (Niobium Project) in Western Australia. This is reported in the RareX press ...
The progressive personal income tax scale, when changing the tax system, will affect only citizens with high incomes. This was announced by the Cabinet of Ministers in its telegram channel with ...
SHI International Corp. Acquires Locuz Enterprise Solutions Limited, an Indian company providing cybersecurity and digital transformation services. This is stated in the message of SHI International.
At the Salyut production complex of the United Engine Corporation, a program has been developed and implemented that allows reducing the volume of field tests. With its help, for the first time in the ...
Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said today in the State Duma at parliamentary hearings on improving the tax system that the Ministry of Finance plans to maintain existing tax benefits for the ...
BEAC, continuing its ESG transformation, has published separate figures from the ESG report for 2023. This is stated in the bank's message. BEAC's financial support for public-private partnership ...