The Lemon Twigs are here to give the Ground Control audience a squeeze of their zesty new album A Dream is All We Know.
Los Bitchos' swaying, psychedelic cumbia sound take Ground Control into the sky. A setting sun is the perfect context for this glittering set of surf-disco.
That's the theme of the 2024 edition of this popular festival held every year on the banks of the Elbe in Hamburg. Jazz, pop, ...
Far-right leader Jordan Bardella is idolised by many young people in France.  The polls put his National Rally party well ...
Europeans between the ages of 16-29 across 27 countries don’t necessarily have the same priorities. But politicians across ...
They all have very different hopes, goals and dreams. What does a Lithuanian car mechanic think about electric cars? How is a ...
Watch Nina Simone Resonances at the Paris Pantheon 36 min Watch the programme ...
Pianiste classique encensé, Francesco Tristano prolonge volontiers ses concerts par un DJ set où il officie sur un piano ...
On dit souvent que c’est parce que l’on connaît mal le Parlement européen qu’on se désintéresse du scrutin européen.
Cinq mois avant la présidentielle américaine, Joe Biden a annoncé la fermeture temporaire de la frontière avec le Mexique aux ...
Después de un largo viaje de reproducción asistida, Alice y Gabrielle esperan por fin un hijo. Con ternura y humor, esta ...
Después de un largo viaje de reproducción asistida, Alice y Gabrielle esperan por fin un hijo. Con ternura y humor, esta ...