If they are merely office-holders, they do not have these statutory entitlements. For most limited company / PSC directors, including those we advise, this means no legal entitlement to holiday pay, ...
If there was ever a hint or wake-up call to get due diligence in place now, this is it’ -- so ‘ignore it at your peril.’ ...
A supposedly US firm is trying to fleece UK umbrella companies by seeking an initial line of credit for 'phantom' contractors, with convincing nods like ‘due diligence,’ IR35, and HMRC-risk.
The conversation seemed to be genuine, with even "Ravi" (off-camera) explaining the 63 contractors were currently being paid as limited companies but that after re-assessing their risk due to IR35, LY ...
A bypass to inside IR35/OPW payment processes has emerged – with potentially lethal HMRC consequences for agencies and end-clients.
Setting up a UK limited company is an alternative to working in the UK as a sole trader or an umbrella company may be best for your operation. Each model has its own tax and administrative ...
Contractors ‘strongly advised’ to pull out of four avoidance schemes, newly ‘named and shamed’ by HMRC and accused of ‘destroying lives’.
While you might think a penalty would be tied in some way to the IR35 liability figure, that’s not necessarily the case. Instead, the penalty charge is based on, say, the contractor’s behaviour -- ...
Replies to MPs not according with the status struggles we see day-to-day is proof that the taxman no longer lives in the real world.
There are of course more traits a good umbrella might have, but alongside fair and transparent payments, with tax and HMRC compliance to boot, these five are the key traits of a contractor umbrella ...
Contrary to popular belief there’s actually a few ways to sweeten the bitter pill of moving from limited to umbrella. Or if not sweeten, make palatable.
They traditionally fare comparatively well in a shrinking economy but more IT contractors than not will likely welcome the UK leaving recession, as it did in Q1 2024.