By not participating actively in the economy or community development, they place additional burdens on those who are ...
Enhanced rock weathering -- a nature-based carbon dioxide removal process that accelerates natural weathering -- results in ...
Despite the urgent need to decarbonize the steel industry, which heavily relies on coal, the Banking On Climate Chaos report ...
“Here richly, with ridiculous display, The Politician's corpse was laid away. While all of his acquaintance sneered and ...
The Centre for the Studies of Plural Societies (CSPS) has announced new leadership for the next two years. Wajahat Habibullah ...
The National Coordination Committee of the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM), in an Open letter to the Election Commission of India ...
Silicosis could have been prevented if the Factories Act was properly enforced. Kill us with the knife we offer you, do not ...
A study conducted in Tamil Nadu suggests that the risk of miscarriage was doubled with exposure to extreme heat ( Rekha ...
“BJP said do not vote, all votes must go to Amit Shah”, many Gandhinagar voters from Dalit, OBC, Muslim and Darbar ...
Animal Farm is the very familiar setting of any society, a race, or a creed who after being oppressed for long enough decide ...
A recent report says: "At least 21 international organisations have written to Chief Justice DY Chandrachud and requested the ...
The brutal and barbaric murder of a young Dalit girl, who was sexually harassed way back in 2019 and was seeking justice for ...