The organization Environmental working group (EWG), known for being constant guardians of health and the environment, have released the eighth edition of their “Guide to Pesticides in Foods.” The ...
Selling medicines is big business. Pharmaceutical companies invest billions of euros every year in advertising, financing of scientific journals, conferences, gifts and well-paid conferences to get ...
Dowsing, also known as dowsing, is an ancient practice that uses instruments such as rods or pendulums to detect energy fields, vibrations or subtle radiation. Although its exact origin is lost in ...
Muesli is a nutritious and tasty combination of cereals, fruits and seeds, which not only provides energy and vitality, it also protects the heart and nervous system. Muesli has become synonymous with ...
They have discovered a new link between irritable bowel syndrome and cardiovascular health. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects the large intestine. It causes abdominal ...
Ecuador presents the challenge of eliminating plastics from its waterways. Plastic bottles, balls and what look like toy car wheels float along the San Pedro River, which runs through Quito. They are ...
Cientos de los principales expertos en clima del mundo predicen que el calentamiento global superará los objetivos ...
Natalia no se separa de su cría muerta. Esta es la segunda vez que la chimpancé pierde una cría. Dio a luz a principios de ...
Estos registros corresponden a memorias climáticas reflejadas en el espesor de los anillos de árboles, los corales en el ...
Este descubrimiento se realizó después de que un grupo de abejas bajo agua quedara sumergido accidentalmente durante un ...
Anota esta receta proteica de tortitas o panqueques que lleva tan solo 2 ingredientes,y se preparan en 6 minutos. Uno de los ingredientes es el plátano o banana, muy versátil en la cocina con el que ...
A principios del año pasado, 187 países tomaron medidas para limitar la exportación de basura plástica de los países ricos a ...