Twenty years ago, when Kirby Scudder and Chip (yes, one name only) created First Friday, they were not thinking outside the ...
A 27-year-old Santa Cruz man died on Highway 1 early Wednesday morning in a single-vehicle crash. California Highway Patrol officer Israel Murillo said the man, who has not been named, was driving ...
Noble though it may be, biking can also be tough work. For those who dislike struggling up the steep hills of UCSC campus or getting worn out before they even make it in to work, Ecology Action is ...
Like many journalists, Dana Priest entered the field deeply imprinted with memories of investigative reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein breaking open the Watergate scandal and bringing down a ...
Many couples in the United States experiencing fertility troubles spend thousands of dollars on various drugs and in vitro procedures. But there's another option as well. If you take Highway 152 from ...
This is the last in our series of candidate profiles for the District 3 county supervisor race. Previous installments can be found here and here. Sitting in his second-story office of the bookstore he ...
Robbie Schoen says it reminds him of gold mining: You may have to sift through a lot of dirt, but eventually you find a few of those beautiful hidden nuggets. Schoen, director of the Felix Kulpa ...
Vipassana Santa Cruz has finally found a home of its own. Ever the seeker, Nūz sat down with guiding teacher Mary Grace Orr to discuss the growth of the meditation group, or sangha, and the open house ...
Where else but the Cabrillo Music Festival--or some B-movie house--would one expect Dracula to meet Frankenstein? Though not the first time music director Marin Alsop has made "camp" at her festival, ...