Reviewing the development of Prayers of Love and Faith (PLF) reveals that it demonstrates an even more serious 'PLF' problem, ...
The Lord’s Prayer must surely be the central devotional text in the Christian faith. Tom Wright (in his short book The Lord ...
Oh Mark—where have you been, with your dynamic directness, your parataxis and imitation of Old Testament narrative, your puns ...
I first met Tom Creedy when he was doing Masters-level study at the college where I taught, and we have kept in good touch ...
Because Easter was earlier this year, the readings in 'ordinary time' begin with Mark 2.23–3.6 which is not always included ...
On Monday there was a (comparatively) early release of the 2023 Statistics for Mission, the results of the annual October ...
The Sunday lectionary gospel reading for Trinity Sunday in this Year B is the same as it was for Lent 2 in Year A: Nicodemus' ...
The Sunday lectionary gospel reading for Trinity Sunday in Year B is the same as we had for Lent 2 in Year A—Nicodemus' meeting with Jesus in John 3.1–17—so I am reposting the article from last year ...