If you live or work in the Lone Star State, you may be aware that the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) has ...
Skilled American mariners are critical to the supply chain on which all Americans rely, as they safely guide large cargo ...
The world of climate policy abounds with bad ideas – from force-feeding an increasingly reluctant driving public a steady ...
As a source of energy information for many global and U.S. policymakers, International Energy Agency (IEA) reports speak with ...
During times of challenge, it’s easy to focus on what’s wrong in our country. We shouldn’t lose sight of our successes, ...
More and more, agriculture and renewable energy production have become inexorably linked. Solar, wind, and biofuels have ...
The U.S. Department of Energy is spending $7 billion to demonstrate capturing 6 million tons of CO2 from the atmosphere.
As New York works to meet the ambitious goals set by the landmark climate law passed in 2019, disinformation campaigns about ...
If the devil is in the details, bureaucracy is hell on earth. Though terrain familiar to the Biden administration, ...
Offshore drilling has been a cornerstone of global energy production since the 1800s, fueling the American way of life and ...
As we approach Memorial Day, we honor the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives in service to our country.
ExxonMobil, the largest energy company in the U.S., will face yet another challenge to its leadership. The California Public ...