The problem is affecting more and more people. The percentage of those with allergies has increased dramatically from around ...
Norway's export of crispbread has grown from almost nothing to over two thousand tonnes in 2023. We Norwegians have also ...
Artificial intelligence and robots could take over more and more tasks in the future. Technology may play a greater role in ...
Beef and ham contain protein – the body's building blocks. So do sea squirts. “But they don’t taste like fish or the sea.
Several studies hint that stomach acid-inhibiting drugs are linked to serious illnesses such as cancer and dementia. But what ...
Social robots could soon assist in nursing homes or even be present in our living rooms. Is there a risk that they will ...
The Norwegian company 1X Technologies has already created a humanoid robot that is in the workplace. Next year, they will ...
We've seen prototypes of human-like robots for years now: Robots that can talk, walk, and lift things. It’s fascinating, but ...
“You’re probably just hungry. We can become irritable, stressed, weak, and dizzy if there’s too much time between meals,” ...
Some benefit greatly from medications for heartburn and acid reflux. But for many, the medication itself can cause long-term ...
An extra treat the museum can offer is that they have 700 out of the approximately 3,000 preserved Viking swords in Norway.
Almost two-thirds of individuals who suffer from chronic pain do not have known illnesses that can explain it. “Only in 37 per cent of the cases did we find that there was an exact cause for the pain, ...