Progressive city councilors tried unsuccessfully on Monday night to block Burlington Police Chief Jon Murad from serving ...
A small group of advocates gathered outside of Burlington City Hall on Monday to urge Gov. Phil Scott to sign a bill aimed at ...
Longtime Vermont Sen. Dick Sears (D-Bennington) has died after a cascading series of health issues. He was 81. Sears served ...
In April, when U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) stepped up to the microphone on the Senate floor to denounce Israel's war in ...
In their fifth game of the 2014 women's rugby season, the Norwich University Cadets were playing the top-10-ranked Quinnipiac ...
The Windham Southwest Supervisory Union is facing several crises. The district's special education director resigned abruptly ...
In September 2022, when she was wanted for robbing and assaulting a man in a wheelchair who had just withdrawn cash from a ...
Politics and religion, it's said, are not subjects for polite conversation. That makes them perfect subjects for Susan Calza, ...
Dear Reverend, I married my first husband a second time. He believes we are soulmates. I love him but feel we are just two ...
Gov. Phil Scott, as expected, vetoed a bill on Thursday that aims to reduce overdose deaths by giving people a supervised ...
The Goddard College campus property in Plainfield is under contract with an unnamed buyer, trustees said on Tuesday. The news ...
Green signs printed with the phrase “Just Say No” in orange block lettering first appeared in South Burlington and ...