In addition to a 24% reduction in major kidney disease events, the semaglutide group had 18% less MACE at 3 years versus ...
The availability of a dual-chamber leadless system is important, but battery longevity remains an issue, one expert says.
While not every athlete can get back to their sport, a new “athlete-centered” statement says that should be the aim.
Quality of life was also similar, but the catheter procedure was less expensive, making it a potential first-line option for ...
A lack of benefit—and possible harm—means tenecteplase shouldn’t be given routinely in this population, researchers say.
It’s getting harder and harder to justify a group where alteplase would be preferred,” Seemant Chaturvedi says.
The procedure helps, but outcomes remain poor overall in this group. “We still have work to do,” Eva Mistry says.
Two studies indicate that there is room for improvement: a GDMT clinic for HF may help increase use of all four drugs.
A neutral overall trial result seems to be due to harms in patients with cerebral ischemia and benefits in those with ...
Patients with diffuse disease are less likely to see improvements in flow, data from the PPG Global Registry show.
While the AI did fine on multiple-choice questions and could justify its answers, it failed a retest just 2 weeks later.
The results, which show fewer false positives with the Fetal Medicine Foundation’s model, could promote better prevention.