The real history of the democracy movement that swept China during 1989 has yet to be written. The ruling Chinese Communist ...
The no-jury landmark trial of the Hong Kong 47, presided over by three specially designated national security judges has ...
The Lewisham Branch Secretary of the public services union, Justine Canady, is facing redundancy in a clear case of ...
Against a background of acute financial crisis in post-16 education, the congress of the college lecturers’ union UCU met on ...
Catering workers on Avanti West Coast struck on 7 June, as part of a campaign to push back fatigue-inducing rosters that are wrecking work/life balance. On Saturday 8 June, outsourced gateline staff ...
The main UN agency responsible for distributing aid in Palestine, UNRWA, says that all 36 of its shelters in Rafah are empty, ...
One of the main arguments you hear from people backing various (supposedly) “left of Labour” candidates is that they want to ...
Junior doctors in England have not struck in their dispute for “pay restoration” — a serious plan to restore real-terms pay ...
No longer the party of protest, Labour is the party of national security”, declared Keir Starmer on 2 June. The actual ...
Why would revolutionary socialists (or, indeed serious reformist socialists) call for a vote for the Labour Party when it’s ...
Outrageously, Labour still refuses to reinstate Hackney North MP Diane Abbott, suspended in April 2023 for an off-beam letter ...
In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels described overproduction under capitalism as a prevailing cause of misery. This ...