A super PAC backing President Joe Biden is challenging Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s New York residency claim, saying the campaign ...
The campaign must gather at least 10,095 signatures by July 5 for its new petition. Its original petition was deemed invalid ...
Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is set to speak Friday at the Libertarian Party's national convention. The party ...
Kennedy Jr. submitted ... presidential election ballot, his campaign said Tuesday. Kennedy has officially gained ballot access in seven states—Utah, Michigan, California, Delaware, Oklahoma ...
In Nevada, independent presidential candidates must collect about 10,000 signatures — 1% of the number of ballots cast in the ...
Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is being held to a different criteria than Presidents Biden and Trump. And that ...
Kennedy Jr. for president. The party ultimately ... "The AIP will not be placing RFK on the ballot," Bird wrote in a column after the interview, casting Kennedy as an outsider.
Why the scion of the nation's most prominent Democratic families says the two-party system is moving the country in the wrong ...
Kennedy Jr. took the stage at a campaign rally ... The independent candidate’s campaign planned to use the event to qualify for Iowa’s presidential ballot through a unique process that ...
In late March, the Nevada Secretary of State's Office acknowledged that a staffer wrongly informed Kennedy's campaign that it did not need to name a vice-presidential pick on its petition.
Fresh from submitting more than twice the number of petition signatures needed to qualify for a place on the 2024 Texas ballot in November, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr ...