Disfigured, awkward and clumsy, Claudius (10 BC – 54 AD / Reigned 41 – 54 AD) was the black sheep of his family and an unlikely emperor. Once in place, he was fairly successful, but his poor ...
In 49 AD, Agrippina married her uncle, the emperor Claudius, and began to promote her own son's claim to the succession, at the expense of Claudius's own son, Britannicus. She persuaded Claudius ...
Of these Martyrs, Saint Claudius died when his arms and legs were severed; Saint Diodore was burned alive; Saints Victor, Victorinus, and Nicephorus were crushed to death by a large boulder; Saint ...
Sickly, ill-mannered, and reclusive, Claudius devoted his early days to the quiet study of Etruscan and Carthaginian history, among other subjects. Understandably, he was an embarrassment to the ...
Visit BBC Webwise for full instructions Claudius is the new King of Denmark. He has married his dead brother's widow, Queen Gertrude. He's trying to be a good king for Denmark and a good father ...
There had been upsets: Jews had been banished from Rome in 139 BC, again in 19 AD and during the reign of Claudius. However, they were soon allowed to return and continue their independent ...
Claudius Ptolemy was a Greek mathematician, astronomer and geographer who lived in the Egyptian city of Alexandria while under the rule of the Roman Empire. Much of medieval astronomy and ...
Co-founder Kelly Miller, workshop facilitator Anna Richmond, and co-founder Claudius Ah Loe, of DICED Workshops. I was born and raised in central Auckland, with parents of Samoan/Chinese heritage.