And for $11.75 million, the award-winning crib can now be yours. Gary and Michelle Dolch of Austin Luxury Group hold the ...
Authorities say they don't have the funds to clean up the scenic gem. Instead, a determined community has stepped up.
Bystanders were left baffled after a pair of women crawled out of the wreckage of a bloody car crash in Mexico and decided to ...
The attack occurred Saturday in the municipality of Huitzilac, off a highway connecting the capital with the tourist town of Cuernavaca. Four people died on the scene while four others died after ...
Morelos Attorney General Uriel Carmona visited the retired bishop at the hospital in Cuernavaca, where he remained unconscious as of Tuesday morning. (Fiscalía de Justicia de Morelos/Cuartoscuro ...
An armed commando on Tuesday entered Hospital Center, a private medical center in Cuernavaca, Mexico, and shot dead one of the patients. The first reports indicate that the attack took place inside ...