Senator Bob Casey (right) has been friends with Joe Biden for years, while his father, Bob Casey Sr (left) was one of the ...
The first million-dollar ad buy is out in the governor’s race between Democratic Attorney General Josh Stein and Republican ...
Abortion is illegal statewide in Texas, but residents in the city of Amarillo want to go a step further -- banning even the ...
The keys to turning Texas blue in the 2024 general election is protecting public schools and fighting for reproduction rights ...
The Supreme Court's 2023 term is winding down with several of the largest and most impactful cases yet to be decided before ...
New controls specify that requests will be evaluated by a committee comprised of three UAE doctors including an ...
Once again, a prominent political leader has maligned those of us who work hard to defend the most basic civil right — to life itself — of the preborn baby as “extremists.” ...
More than a year after state lawmakers passed Senate Bill 20, adding new abortion restrictions in a late-night vote ...
The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) announced on Saturday that abortion is permissible in the UAE and specifically ...
If you want to limit abortions to the first and second trimester, which is primarily when abortions take place, that is a sound argument. Keep in mind that third trimester abortions are extremely rare ...
Abortion is illegal statewide in Texas, but residents in the city of Amarillo want to go a step further -- banning even the ...