Craig Conover's representative addressed the harsh comments Kyle Cooke made after Conover invested in an alcohol brand that ...
More than a year after the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, Texas continues to be the largest state in the ...
GAZA, Saturday, June 8, 2024 (WAFA) - Doctors on one of the only functioning maternity wards left in Gaza have told ActionAid they are seeing rising cases of miscarriages, as the lack of food and ...
Maternal care insights point to risks of critical illness Pregnant women who are admitted to intensive care in Scotland are 12 times more likely ...
Pregnant women in Gaza live in terror for their unborn children, as preterm births and miscarriages skyrocket, one more ...
It was then she found out she had a partial placental abruption - a section of her placenta had detached from the uterine ...
Attorneys in a lawsuit against Indiana’s near-total abortion ban jumped right into testimony Wednesday, beginning a trial in ...
"It was horrendous," said Ms Lawrence. "I asked 'why has this happened?', but they didn't know. "Hours later we realised it was a placental abruption - that the placenta had come away from the wall ...