Though most parents identified chronic absenteeism as a concern, most also failed to correctly define it. Thirty-two percent ...
Chronic absenteeism is associated with all sorts of negative consequences for students, including lower graduation rates and ...
The raw data looks inarguably bad: The share of American children missing at least 10 percent of school days nearly doubled ...
Chronic absenteeism rates are highest in high school, with one in three students missing at least 10 percent of their school ...
With aspirations of becoming a psychologist, Lucas Cruz, 17, spent his entire life dreaming big. However, the New London High ...
Matters are especially tight nowadays with 217 Republicans, 213 Democrats, and five vacancies. In an expected party-line vote ...
A major education issue this year is the alarming number of students who have missed many days of school -- in some cases more than 20. A poll examines parents' attitudes toward chronic absenteeism.
Absenteeism hurts public school districts in Texas because attendance directly affects funding. Each day an enrolled student ...
Local school districts are grappling with chronic absenteeism, even though school is out for the summer. That is because, in ...
That's where telehealth is coming into play and it's helping with absenteeism. Danielle Mack is a third-grade teacher at Peck ...
Students in Massachusetts public schools are returning to classrooms after an alarming surge in chronic absenteeism in the wake of the pandemic, recently-published state figures from the current ...