The possibility of a high abstention rate at the election for the European Parliament has been a major concern for in Greece.
Concerns are mounting in Cyprus over potential voter confusion, increased blank and invalid ballots, and high abstention ...
In October 2022, U.S. District Judge Robert Bryan dismissed Seattle Pacific’s lawsuit against Washington state Attorney ...
Like you, Brian, I’m old enough to remember when Sinn Féin took the abstentionist approach to just about every assembly or ...
The European elections typically see the lowest turnout among citizens in Portugal. Will the Portuguese follow the trend of ...
The prime minister said in his intervirew that he understood the fatigue people feel with the repeated elections ...
An aversion to providing personal details, lack of knowledge of the voting system and the belief that their ballot doesn’t ...
The 19 May 2024 election reported the highest abstention of voters in the entire history of the Dominican Republic. The abstention at 45.84% was even higher than the 44.71% abstention rate of the 5 ...
The Khiamniungan Tribal Council (KTC), along with all its frontal organizations, has decided to abstain from the upcoming urban local body (ULB) election for Noklak Town Council. The ULB polls are sch ...
In this case, for us, abstention is equal to support, – this is how the chairman of the parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, ...
KCR should have known that during the Republic Day and Independence Day celebrations that the opposition party leaders and ...
The survey by Marc, conducted in recent days for Proto Thema confirms the long-established comfortable lead of the ruling ...