Comedian Hope Woodard, the comedian who coined the “boysober” dating term, told The New York Times that opting out of dating ...
A number of people, largely women, are unhappy with Bumble right now, using social media to criticize new ads that poke fun ...
There are two main ways that Catholics use to focus on growing closer to God during the Lenten season: abstinence and fasting. Abstinence is the act of “doing without” or avoiding something.
Abstinence until marriage has emerged as a primary policy goal in efforts to promote adolescent sexual and reproductive health--in the United States and increasingly world-wide. While few would ...
A coalition of researchers at The University of New Mexico have just taken a huge step forward for addiction research, in ...
During the past two years, many of you have called, sent notes and continually asked, “would you ever do a REBT group again?” The answer to myself has usually been, “no!” The reason or reasons has to ...
What constitutes sexual education and the grade in which it’s taught varies greatly in America, and 2024 is shaping up to set a record for legislative proposals mostly aimed at restricting the subject ...
Harm reduction is an approach to treating those with alcohol and other substance-use problems that does not require patients to commit to complete abstinence before treatment begins. Instead ...
Opens in a new tab or window Increasing the dosages of varenicline (Chantix) or combined nicotine replacement therapy (CNRT), or switching from CNRT to varenicline, improved abstinence from ...
Do programs conflate gender stereotypes with scientific fact (e.g., in reviews of abstinence-only programs, content was said to undermine girls' achievements, make statements that girls are ...