KCR should have known that during the Republic Day and Independence Day celebrations that the opposition party leaders and ...
The European elections typically see the lowest turnout among citizens in Portugal. Will the Portuguese follow the trend of ...
Only one legislator in the California Assembly voted against a controversial shoplifting bill while dozens of progressive ...
However, landing a new high-profile candidate has re-opened the debate about abstention. While evidently no deterrent to ...
This, as well as voting abstention from ANC-leaning voters, suggested that there existed a large potential pool of disgruntled ANC voters who could be persuaded to vote for a different party if the ...
An aversion to providing personal details, lack of knowledge of the voting system and the belief that their ballot doesn’t ...
A section of Dhaka University teachers is observing a two-hour work abstention today demanding reinstatement of the previous ...
The abstention by Fulton County election board member Julie Adams aligns with her lawsuit seeking to more closely control ...
The 19 May 2024 election reported the highest abstention of voters in the entire history of the Dominican Republic. The abstention at 45.84% was even higher than the 44.71% abstention rate of the 5 ...
However, the MaltaToday survey confirms a pattern already established in previous polls showing that abstention is disproportionately penalising the Labour Party in a scenario where voters disgruntled ...
In the 2019 European elections, Portugal recorded its highest abstention rate of 68.6 percent since joining the European Union, contrasting sharply with the approximately 50 percent turnout across ...
This decision has raised eyebrows and left many wondering about the reasoning behind Somalia's abstention. The resolution was ultimately passed with 84 nations voting in favor, including Djibouti.