Abbas, Abbas Pasha, and Abuzar, friends of Faiz and college students, and Mohammed Sami, an employee of the hotel, sustained severe injuries and were being treated at a hospital. According to the ...
BENGALURU: Two bike riders were killed, while three others sustained grievous injuries, after they were knocked down by a car ...
Bengaluru: An inebriated car driver mowed down two people on bikes while attempting to flee from an accident that injured a ...
Md Abuzar Khan candidate of CHATRA constituency , JHARKHAND is 38 years old and is a Graduate by education . Md Abuzar Khan has assests worth Rs 28.2Lac and liabilities worth Rs 6Lac and has a total ...
Panthers are innovators. The proof is in the patents. The university has become a leading patent producer. FIU is top 25 in U ...
ARAH CITY (Pajhwok): Residents of the Kharmalaq area of Farah City complain about the absence of telecommunication services.
Over a dozen family me­­mbers of PTI activists who are currently facing trial before military cou­rts, and their lawyers Rab­biya Bajwa and Abuzar Salman Niazi, addressed a press conference at ...
E. Akopov (Geologist (segment "Dag Mesäsindän Kecärkän"))Cabbar Aliyev (Abuzar (segment "Cazibä Qüvväsi"))Xayal Axundzada (Teymur (segment "Cazibä Qüvväsi ...
Abuzar Raja, 22, of Aberdeen Place, Lidget Green, Bradford, was jailed for four years and three months after admitting the burglary offence. Judge David Hatton QC said the burglars smashed a ...
Naz-nazi mugham ensemble has delighted the audience at International Mugham Center, Azernews reports.
Over a dozen family me­­mbers of PTI activists who are currently facing trial before military cou­rts, and their lawyers Rab­biya Bajwa and Abuzar Salman Niazi, addressed a press conference at the ...