He is believed to be keen on playing more regularly in his preferred position of central striker. Argentine reports suggest ...
When eating something especially delicious, like a favorite gelato, he would close his eyes to savor it for longer than was socially acceptable. If his children laughed at him, he would explain that ...
A woman was left deeply amused when after 18 months of feuding with her neighbour she moved out and her husband left an ...
That lack of communication could be driving workers' worries about whether it's acceptable for them to use AI at work. In ...
Sandipan Dhar died in hospital with leukaemia after his parents raised concerns with GPs and hospital staff on several ...
"In November last year, we had flagged certain concerns on excessive growth in the unsecured retail loans and over-reliance ...
Irfan Pathan has slammed Pakistan for organizing a private dinner in the United States of America. Fans were allowed to meet ...
Dakota Johnson considers herself lucky that she was allowed to explore her sexuality. The actress who is the daughter of ...
President Joe Biden will speak from Pointe du Hoc this week, marking his second trip to the Normandy coast during his visit ...
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has observed a slowdown in unsecured retail loans and advances, following concerns raised in ...
Federal, state and local prosecutors always have had discretion about which cases to bring to trial and also what plea ...
An increase in the risk premium is acceptable if the end result is more widespread prosperity. India’s political reset may be ...