At least 100 people were killed, and dozens were injured after the Rapid Support Forces attacked a village in Gezira province in Sudan on Wednesday, officials said.Women, children, and elderly were ...
At least six people, most of them children, drowned when a school bus went off the road into a river in northwest Syria on ...
Saudi Arabia has expressed condemnation of the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque by a number of Israeli officials, members of the Knesset, and extremist settlers.In a statement Wednesday, the Ministry of ...
Saudi media outlet Asharq reports that Hamas rejects the Israeli proposal because it does not guarantee a permanent ceasefire ...
Asharq Al Awsat obtained an internal document that was delivered Thursday to representatives of the terrorist factions in Gaza, which presents the current situation, Hamas stated that from the talks ...
A Syrian national fired at the US embassy in Beirut on Wednesday morning, shouting slogans in support of Gaza. According to ...