Correspondence to Dr Daniel Sims, Respiratory Department, Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon, UK; daniel.sims1{at} ...
LEIPZIG, GERMANY — Children frequently ingest small magnets from magnetic construction kits, board games, 3D puzzles, figurines, or doll clothing. The consequences can be fatal, warned Felicitas ...
What is doxycycline used for? Doxycycline is an antibiotic that is commonly used to prevent malaria, improve tooth attachment and reduce gum pockets in people who have a dental procedure called ...
Numerous diseases that involve the gastrointestinal tract reveal the presence of granulomas on histological analysis. Granulomatous diseases can be either primary or secondary to environmental ...
World Environment Day highlights the link between a healthy environment and huma ...
From the Departments of Cardiovascular Surgery (M.K., M.S., J.K., F.B.) and Congenital Heart Disease and Paediatric Cardiology (R.H., J.G.), Heart Centre Freiburg ...
1 Peoples Medical College & Research Center, Otolaryngology, Bhanpur Road, Bhopal (MP), Bhopal, 462037, India 2 Peoples Medical College & Research Center, Pathology, Bhanpur Road, Bhopal (MP), Bhopal, ...