Scientists at the Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation (TIBI), have employed artificial intelligence techniques to ...
The Top 5 American Idol finalists each released an original song ahead of the May 19 finale. Blocker’s contribution was the ...
On Sunday, June 2nd, actor and musician Carson Boatman ("Days of Our Lives") performed an acoustic concert in Montreal, ...
After rejecting a series of record contracts from Sony, the Australia’s Got Talent alumnus made the move to Nashville and learned how to be a sideman ...
Originally owned by John Porter, Clapton begged him to borrow his 1977 Juan Alvares acoustic to use as his go-to songwriting ...
Acoustic guitars don’t have the tone-tweakability of electric guitars, so your choice of strings is especially important. The ...
Utilization of artificial intelligence to improve the design and production of nanofibers used in wearable nanofiber acoustic ...
Lifehouse frontman Jason Wade was in awe of the Filipino audience present at his first-ever show that was a fully acoustic ...
What is it? Gretsch has really flown the flag high for making its electric guitars more accessible in the last decade; the Electromatic and Streamliner ranges give players friendlier prices in ...
By mounting an acoustic vortex emitter onto a robotic platform, the acoustic vortex beam can be moved at the micrometer scale ...
Is it better to learn on acoustic or electronic drums? We tackle the topics of noise, space, cost, playability and more to help you decide But what about the other end of the scale, where the ...
Undergoing surgery is seldom a pleasant experience, and it can sometimes be highly invasive. Surgical procedures have evolved steadily over the centuries, growing with the knowledge of anatomy and ...