If I said I could show you how to permanently stop binge eating and overeating today if you wanted to, would you think I was crazy? Many people would, especially if they've been struggling for a ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Asesores de salud del gobierno estadounidense ponderan la primera aprobación en su tipo del psicotrópico recreativo MDMA como tratamiento para el trastorno de estrés postraumático ...
Nuestro programa familiar brinda consuelo y apoyo a los miembros de la familia afectados por la adicción. Los participantes aprenden sobre la adicción y la recuperación, y aprenden nuevas formas de ...
He trabajado con muchos militares y veteranos que tienes problemas de trauma y adiccion. Yo entiendo a la familia hispana y mi pasión es ayudar a mi comunidad un hogar a la vez. Ofrezco ...
Jun 4, 2024 Two ways to get SO(3) to act irreducibly on the imaginary octonions while preserving their cross product. Lanthanides and the Exceptional Lie Group G 2 May 27, 2024 What the connection ...
Irina Vega had always been very curious about porn. “From the first time I saw a video when I was young, I was really struck by the people who work in it,” recalls the director and producer of ...
Bernard J. Wolfson, senior correspondent and columnist for California Healthline, reports on the business of health care and writes a monthly consumer health column, “Asking Never Hurts.” Previously, ...
The world’s defining voice in music and pop culture: breaking what’s new and what’s next since 1952.
La Clínica de Salud Mental y Centro de Rehabilitación de Adictos Colosenses 3 13, en Santiago, Republica Dominicana es una Institución sin fines de lucro, dedicada al rescate, tratamiento, ...