Based on the study, the victim had a two-day history of sudden onset severe chest pain after sports activity associated with ...
Following acute multiple trauma, hypothalamic stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system and adrenal glands causes an increase in circulating corticoids and catecholamines, or a stress response.
Those familiar with the web series “Hot Ones” know that certain levels of spice can quickly cause sweating, redness, physical ...
Current guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes and non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) include the use of multiple antithrombotic medications. Antithrombotic ...
Vasovagal syncope may be associated with prodromal symptoms of nausea and diaphoresis, and anaphylaxis frequently is associated with urticaria and respiratory distress. An emergency action plan with ...
It was usually associated with dizziness and breathlessness but never with nausea, vomiting, or diaphoresis. Her chest discomfort occurred at rest and with exertion. The three syncopal episodes that ...
Her associated symptoms included shortness of breath on exertion, diaphoresis and dizziness. She noticed that her symptoms often got worse with food intake. She denied any chest pain, orthopnoea, ...
The pain was associated with emesis, subjective fevers and diaphoresis. He denied haematemesis, haematochezia, melena, fatigue, night sweats, abnormal bowel movements, weight change, skin changes or ...
Serum ceruloplasmin and urine copper studies confirmed the diagnosis of Wilson’s disease. He subsequently developed stereotypical episodes of fever, diaphoresis, tonic decorticate posturing, and ...
Associated autonomic features included shortness of breath and hyperventilation (six patients), tachycardia (four patients), ictal cold (three patients), diaphoresis (three patients), urinary urge ...
Alkermes plc (Nasdaq: ALKS) today announced the presentation of research related to its psychiatry franchise products—LYBALVI® (olanzapine and samidorphan) and ARISTADA® (aripiprazole lauroxil)—at ...
For permission requests, please contact NEJM Reprints at [email protected] The resolution of d,l-Dromoran into its optically active components provided a compound — levo-Dromoran — that has ...