Xylitol is a sugar alcohol - as an additive, it has up to 40 per cent fewer calories. The product is also found in small ...
Materialise, a global leader in 3D printing software and services, and ArcelorMittal Powders, a business unit of ArcelorMittal established to produce ...
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a common additive in these noodles. MSG consumption is associated with weight gain, headaches, nausea, and even high blood pressure Instant noodles are primarily made ...
A Walmart shopper said his eggs had a considerable amount of red dye on their shells—some of which had made its way into the ...
Two years after REDCycle’s collapse, a pilot program is operating in 12 supermarkets – but one recycling executive says the ...
Sintavia, a leading player in additive manufacturing for aerospace, has been awarded a contract as part of the Growing ...
In particular, highly processed foods like frozen chicken nuggets were proven to contain the most microplastics per gram of ...
The BlackBasta ransomware group claims on the Dark Web it has breached major polymer additive and market-leading PVC stabiliser product company Akdeniz Chemson. The group claims to have stolen more ...
The BlackBasta ransomware group claims on the Dark Web it has breached major polymer additive and market-leading PVC ...
The United States-constructed pier off Gaza's coast designed to get humanitarian aid into the enclave will be operational ...
Industries increasingly need complex components with varying properties. Recent advancements like additive manufacturing and ...
Additive synthesis is the inverse of subtractive synthesis as you combine multiple sine waves, or partials, from distinct frequency bands to achieve the sound you want. You can then edit these ...