Netflix’s upcoming series ‘Adolescence’ promises to be an intriguing exploration of the human psyche! The plot revolves ...
Kate Bulkeley's pledge to stay off social media in high school worked at first. She watched the benefits pile up: She was ...
Making one’s way in life becomes more competitive as many want what not all can have. Thus by adolescence, young people are ...
Adolescents with elevated blood pressure and arterial stiffness may experience poorer cognitive functions, according to a ...
Recent functional neuroimaging research has shown that activity in parts of the social brain during social cognitive tasks changes during adolescence. In particular, there is some indication that ...
The animated feature from Calgary animator and comic-book artist Nick Johnson will make its debut at the Annecy International ...
Feeding children peanut products regularly from infancy to age 5 years reduced the rate of peanut allergy in adolescence by ...
New research 'should reinforce parents’ and caregivers’ confidence' to feed legume to young children, doctor says.
Listen to Opinion columnist Miu Kikuchi narrate her article “Opinion: Maintaining a maternal relationship is crucial amid ...
Feeding children peanuts regularly from infancy to age five was linked to a reduced rate of peanut allergy in adolescence, by ...
Regularly feeding children peanuts from infancy until the age of five reduced the rate of peanut allergy by 71%, a study has ...
Concerns about children and phone use are not new. But there is a growing realization among experts that the COVID-19 ...