Even when you are triggered, you don’t need to react. Many times, choosing to hold space for the trigger, the feeling or even uncertainty is enough action unto itself. Right now, as you are on ...
This month, you will receive significant support in your work environment. It’s a time to go with the flow and let things unfold naturally. You will find that your efforts are supported, and ...
It’s your turn to step into the spotlight! Today, the moon meets up with capable Saturn in your sign, giving you the know-how and self-assurance to knock one out of the park—AND make sure ...
You’re in a sleepy mood as the month starts out, Pisces. Gemini season always makes you want to stay at home in your sweats. Over the next couple weeks, you might spend more time with your ...
Hey Pisces muses, as of today, not only is the New Moon in Gemini sitting at the base of your chart, the place of home and ancestors, but the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are all setting up ...
Every day this week tornadoes have ripped across the U.S., hitting Texas and Oklahoma, as well as the Midwest and even Pennsylvania. The storms have left behind a trail of property damage and ...
The transit new moon will rise in the fourth house on the ninth, which will show new beginnings at home. The transit Moon is with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, so there will be a lot of work at home, ...
Ease your way into the second half of the year, Pisces. Until June 20, the Sun is lounging in Gemini and your domestic fourth house, urging you to nest and rest for a couple more weeks. Honor this ...