There’s been a deep focus recently on your personal life, not just a relationship, but on setting up a home, life and even family with the one you love. But you also need to make sure you are ...
Your tender heart softens when the Moon enters Cancer, a fellow water sign. Life and love can be complicated, thanks to Mars' relationship with the Moon this weekend. Grant yourself a little bit ...
You’re in a sleepy mood as the month starts out, Pisces. Gemini season always makes you want to stay at home in your sweats. Over the next couple weeks, you might spend more time with your ...
No matter how busy you are, your loved ones mean the world to you…and you need to make sure they know that. Today’s new moon in Gemini nudges you to prioritize your closest connections, even ...
The transit new moon will rise in the fourth house on the ninth, which will show new beginnings at home. The transit Moon is with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, so there will be a lot of work at home, ...
Ease your way into the second half of the year, Pisces. Until June 20, the Sun is lounging in Gemini and your domestic fourth house, urging you to nest and rest for a couple more weeks. Honor this ...
Weekly Horoscope Prediction says, a week of introspection and decisive action awaits. Transformational shifts are happening, favoring emotional and professional growth. A week of introspection and ...
You have been analyzing your love life in detail for the past few days and were still in two minds about the future. Today, some new insight will help you to judge your relationship from a more ...
Urge to nest? As the moon and Mars harmonize, making your home cozy and welcoming is your priority. A few impulse buys are inevitable, but really, they've been on your wish list for some time.