Anal fistula, also referred to as fistula-in-ano, is a small tunnel that is formed between the end of the anus and the skin ...
In Uganda, about 7,200 maternal deaths occur every year, and for every maternal death, 6 – 15 mothers survive with chronic ...
This debilitating childbirth injury, often resulting from prolonged and obstructed labour, leaves women in excruciating pain ...
The ECWA Evangel VVF Centre has called for an end to the discrimination and stigmatization of individuals suffering from ...
Ministry of Health officials have expressed concern over the increasing number of women with fistula. According to Dr.Ronnie Bahatungire, a commissioner in the ministry of health, currently the ...
Female Genital Mutilation, long obstructed labour and teenage pregnancy cited as major contributors to high fistula cases.
Commemorating the International Day to End Obstetric Fistula that falls on 23 of May every year, The United Nations ...
The World Health Organization reports that Obstetric Fistula is a preventable but devastating injury that affects up to two ...
Former First Lady Margaret Kenyatta's Beyond Zero Initiative joined the world in commemorating International Day to End ...
Obstetric fistula remains a major complication at childbirth in Ghana, despite numerous efforts to prevent it, Dr Abraham ...