Hyderabad: In a landmark achievement in the field of urology, doctors at the Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology (AINU) ...
Yet, for many women, particularly in Africa, this moment of joy is overshadowed by the risk of obstetric fistula, a ...
By prioritising marginalised communities and bridging existing gaps, we can ensure every woman can have a safe and dignified ...
Anal fistula, also referred to as fistula-in-ano, is a small tunnel that is formed between the end of the anus and the skin ...
About 24,000 women and girls are currently suffering from fistula, with an additional 3,000 contracting the disease annually.
Access Bank (Ghana) Plc has reiterated its continued commitment to eradicating obstetric fistula in Ghana. In 2018, the bank ...
The ECWA Evangel VVF Centre has called for an end to the discrimination and stigmatization of individuals suffering from ...
In Uganda, about 7,200 maternal deaths occur every year, and for every maternal death, 6 – 15 mothers survive with chronic ...
Obstetric fistula remains a major complication at childbirth in Ghana, despite numerous efforts to prevent it, Dr Abraham ...
Sai also revealed that he suffered from fistula and other ailments for twenty days. I thoroughly enjoyed Bigg Boss. For two ...
M-PESA Foundation is holding a week-long free fistula medical camp at Makueni County Referral Hospital in Makueni County as ...
UH physicians will combat health disparities, perform research, focus on prevention in Kenya, Brazil, Senegal and other ...