Like daffodils, these bulbs contain compounds called Galanthus nivalis agglutinin, also known as GNA, that naturally repel pests. If you have a problem with squirrels, mice, rats, or even groundhogs ...
Gluten causes inflammation in the gut. Wheat contains a protein called wheat germ agglutinin. With time, this protein ...
In a recent article published in Scientific Reports, researchers from Germany presented the development of a novel pH ...
Edwin battled lymphoma and cold agglutinin disease for six years and despite the pain and complications fought bravely until the end.He was born to Naaman (Marilyn) Torres and Elizabeth “Betty ...
In 5 years' time, this author would expect further studies directed at unrevealing the molecular basis of reactive hyperplasia, atypical lymphoid proliferations and lymphomas. There will be more ...
Relevant mechanical cues, such as cyclic deformations and fluid flow, were crucial for replicating organ-level physiology and pathophysiology. Given the continuous production and clearance of mucus in ...
Cancer patients often experience changes in mental health, prompting an exploration into whether nerves infiltrating tumors contribute to these alterations by impacting brain functions. Using a male ...
The structural integrity of the sperm is crucial for male fertility, defects in sperm head-tail linkage and flagellar axoneme are associated with acephalic spermatozoa syndrome (ASS) and the multiple ...