While there are many varieties of lilies, there are also several misnomers, such as calla lilies and peace lilies, which are not true lilies, but rather part of the Araceae family, along with ...
"A strong smell of carrion is released at short intervals but only for a short period of time during the first night, when ...
The mini monstera (Rhaphidophora tetrasperma) isn't a true monstera. It's a member of the Araceae family which also hosts arum lilies, philodendrons, and dieffenbachias. The mini monstera is most ...
Corpse flower attracts attention for two specific traits: it releases chemicals that smell​ like those produced by ...
Find out some of the best flowers that start with A and their significance. These flowers can brighten up any garden and add ...
The many thousands of plant species and their numerous chemical products make the study of CICD from plants appear daunting. The vast majority of CICD reactions, however, are caused by one of ...