Tuesday, Ascendis Pharma A/S (NASDAQ:ASND) announced that the FDA extended the review date for TransCon PTH ...
A recent study has found that 54% of older American Indians have cognitive impairment, and 10% have dementia. “These results ...
Lawmakers added four Alaska Native languages to the state’s official language tally and renamed the council that advocates ...
David Popiel joined Bettisworth North Architects and Planners as a Senior Architect. During his twelve years of practice in ...
Currently, the Alutiiq harvest about two heads a month for local consumption. But without a processing and refrigeration facility, handling and storing the carcass of the continent’s largest land ...
For example, half of the people who spoke the Kodiak dialect of the Alutiiq language died in the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Twitchell estimated that there are seven Tlingít ...
For example, half of the people who spoke the Kodiak dialect of the Alutiiq language died in the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Twitchell estimated that there are seven Tlingít ...
Rodger Painter can trace his Alaska roots back to 1798, when an Alutiiq woman married a Russian trader. He is a former journalist, legislative aide and played a major role in Alaska seafood ...
This dark red fruit is seedy and dry, but rich in vitamin C. The Alutiiq word for rose hip, qelempaq, is an old word meaning “bag.” This term refers to the shape of the fruit, which looks like ...
Iqallut tuqumaut. – The fish are dead. Death in traditional Alutiiq society was followed by a set of rituals that moved the deceased from daily life to the afterlife. In the Alutiiq universe ...