Eating more pomegranates, strawberries and walnuts could help improve memory among Alzheimer’s patients, a new study has ...
This article examines the potential benefits of turmeric and its active ingredient, curcumin, for neuropathy, joint pain, ...
Every U.S. nonprofit hospital must offer financial-assistance programs, and many middle-class families are surprised to find ...
Nepal's abundant hydroelectric power is helping the Himalayan nation cut its oil imports and clean up its air, thanks to a ...
Virginia must work to address a critical shortage of oral health professionals, Sarah Bedard Holland and Kaz Rafia, DDS, ...
State and local officials celebrated a big milestone in Troy’s downtown revitalization efforts. A new grocery store is coming ...
“Our study on mouse models with Alzheimer’s disease shows that urolithin A, which is a naturally occurring substance in ...
Followers share their own experiences with cold treatments, praising Hough for her dedication to healing. ...
It's easy to spot snails and slugs when they're large, but finding one snail is a sign that you need to start looking around ...