New York Legislature passed a bill Friday that would ban social media platforms from using “addictive” algorithms on kids.
New York passed two bills aimed at making children safer online. The SAFE (Stop Addictive Feeds Exploration) for Kids Act ...
New York state lawmakers on Friday passed legislation to bar social media platforms from exposing "addictive" algorithmic ...
On Friday, the state of New York passed two legislation to shield kids from social media content that is too addicting and to ...
OpenAI has reported on influence operations that use its AI tools. Such reporting, alongside data sharing, should become the ...
Politics has always been a performance, but performative violence - abuse as content creation - is something new, at least at ...
New York’s Legislature passed a bill on Friday that would ban social media platforms from using "addictive" recommendation ...
These rules aim to restrict the amount of time that kids spend on computer-generated algorithmic social media feeds. Italy ...
Price discovery function has been hindered by AI and index ETFs, leading to concentration of performance in a few select ...
The legislation characterized algorithmic feeds as “addictive” and stated that they adversely impact children’s mental health ...
Remembering the conclusion to the redistricting saga, court challenges and personnel shakeups in the Hochul administration.