An upgrade to California's earthquake early-warning system using GPS data will allow more timely alerts about shaking and ...
California's cannabis market might not be the largest in the world, as another state has surpassed it for overall cannabis ...
Visually impaired voters and their advocates say they still face unnecessary barriers, despite bills and lawsuits.
President Biden’s executive action could allow border agents to immediately return migrants to Mexico without considering ...
The City Council in Alameda, Calif., voted to stop tests of a device that could one day cool the Earth. Scientists and city ...
Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin said Wednesday that the state will no longer follow car emissions standards set by California, ...
The Woodlands soon will add another California-based biotechnology company aimed at cell therapy with Bionova's $56M ...
The city of Alameda, California, has denied scientists permission to continue a controversial trial of cloud-brightening ...
Court-appointed special advocates make a life-changing difference for children who have experienced abuse or neglect.
Assembly Bill 2364 would regulate how many square feet of flooring a worker can clean in an hour. California’s downtowns ...
California's first heat wave of the year is marking an abrupt transition toward summer, with record-breaking, triple-digit ...