For those living in Horry County, it’s possible to get a free park pass temporarily and head to Myrtle Beach area state parks ...
Any animal in the woods would terrify me but a bear? Hard pass. I’d try to get away of course but wouldn’t be able to ...
ORLANDO, Fla.—For the first time, Florida home sellers will have to disclose certain aspects of a property’s flood history, ...
People who keep pet bullfrogs often feed them mice. In the eastern United States, bullfrogs are kept under control by an ...
After 35 years of pet ownership, our Starts at 60 blogger switched to the low-maintenance joy of raising butterflies, finding ...
He was one of the first three people in the state of Florida to initiate and organize the Florida Alligators Association, which later lead to the guidelines for today’s current alligator farmers. He ...
There are a lot of silly things out there if you stop and take a moment to enjoy them. Here are some that I’ve been titillated by recently. My daughter, Donna, sent me this and every time I look at it ...
He was a true Statesman. He loved telling stories about his childhood and swimming the local lakes with the alligators. Allen loved the trees he planted that now stand 60ft tall. During his time in ...
Ferocious animals like the tiger and panther roam the jungles of India. Traveling to the savannahs of Africa, you will see ...
Below the ocean waves, many deadly reptiles and fish hunt their prey in astonishing fashions. Among the most frightening ...
Being known as nocturnal creatures that can attack without prior warning, alligators are a real threat to people invading ...