A method of artificially producing the coloring matter of the madder plant, known under the name of " alizarin," has been recently discovered by Messrs. Graebe and Liebermann, of Berlin.
You get the requisite supplies for oil painting – don’t forget the alizarin crimson! – and start to apply paint to canvas, only to find your happy little trees are not so happy, and this ...
Surviving are his mother, Judith and sister, Lisa (Matthew) Slater, both of Bloomington and three nieces and nephews, Alizarin Salmi, Callie & Zackery Slater and many cousins. Mark graduated from ...
The first chapter deals with the anthra-quinone group, containing alizarin, the colour principle of madder root, which shares with indigo of the nitrogenous indole group the distinction of being ...
I found this little book written by Ruwani Chandrasekera to be fascinating. The contents can pique the interest of little ...