Earlier, a total of 6.8 tonnes of al-Quran ashes in the form of blocks were brought on board the MVPEDOMAN vessel 12 nautical miles from Port Klang to be disposed of in the middle of the ocean.
Key that denotes Subscriber Exclusive content. Who are Alabama’s highest and lowest paid superintendents? See the list The majority of superintendents, 111 out of 146 statewide, are men who hold ...
spiritual leader of Masjid Al-Quran, Boston, to the Boston Globe. "Islam provides the tools to deal with life, the power to overcome the negative that is inside of us if we abide by the message of ...
All our updates as South Africa are undefeated with three wins and top of their group as they seek their first title. Published On 10 Jun 202410 Jun 2024 Can South Africa escape the ‘group of ...
In view of the present American, Jewish and Christian Islamophobia, we must reflect on some of the contributions of Islam to Western scholarship. Al-Khowarizmi of the Baghdad, Iraq, Caliph Al-Ma’mum ...
Staff at Madrasah Anwaar-Al-Quran said they did not have suitable internet in the building until Opus Broadband stepped in to see if they could help. The broadband firm is offering free internet to ...
Held a few days before the official 10-day celebration, the Khatam Al Quran ceremony is practised by some Muslims as a pre-wedding ritual. In it, the future bride reads the entire Quran before she ...
Muhammad Syahrul Sa’aban, who is a student of Madrasah Tahfiz Al-Quran Rabiatul Adawiyah in Bukit Katil here, said that even though he only received formal academic education up to standard six, it ...
Staff at Madrasah Anwaar-Al-Quran said they did not have suitable internet in the building until Opus Broadband stepped in to see if they could help.