Bankman-Fried’s name and story are inextricably connected to the new ethical thinking of Silicon Valley, which is ...
Most people, me included, aren’t strictly utilitarian or rights-based thinkers. One criticism of effective altruists I find ...
We need to talk about what bombs do in war. Bombs shred flesh. Bombs shatter bones. Bombs dismember. Bombs cause brains, ...
Utopian environments don't guarantee lives without complications, however. Human nature has not been left behind.
No other industry — not even Big Pharma or Big Oil — can match its power in shaping policy and dominating spending.
While he didn’t pay for the Abbey, he paid for plenty of other things, including all-expenses-paid trips to the Bahamas for ...
In some moral situations, acts of generosity in one area entail deprivation in another. But people problematically overextend ...
Anthropic, the AI company where he is co-founder and CEO, had just finished training a new chatbot that was far more powerful ...
The Scarlett Johansson debacle is a microcosm of AI’s raw deal: It’s happening, and you can’t stop it.
A climate philanthropy organization, Giving Green, received a $10 million anonymous donation in April and thinks that the ...
On a Friday morning in April, Dan Stein, the founder of Giving Green, a climate philanthropy organization, found some big ...