"Sky News host Chris Kenny has blasted the ABC for their constant climate \u201calarmism\u201d.\n\nMr Kenny says the ABC keep ...
CEOs are most interested in using AI to automate customer service and back-office tasks—goals they had before the new tech ...
And it is during this exact window that children are most likely to be given a smartphone and unfettered access to social ...
ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL (May 28, 2024) — North Dakota’s leading Republican politicians have defied conservative voters and ...
North Dakota’s leading Republican politicians have defied conservative voters and bought into Al Gore’s climate alarmism. In ...
Last year, Pew Research Center did the unthinkable and polled Americans - particularly climate skeptics - about their hesitation to buy the climate crisis narrative. The results were stunning and ...
All of which rejects the birthrate/deficit alarmism in the first place. In other words, to believe as the various economic religions do about falling birthrates signaling future revenue shortfalls ...
Governments worldwide are in a race to see which one can encourage the most women to have the most babies. Hungary is ...
The ad blasts the governor and warns against bigger class sizes and thousands of teacher layoffs because of the cuts the ...
In the year 2024, it may seem unlikely that anyone in America, or indeed on planet Earth, has yet to decide what they think ...
Governor Gavin Newsom's office and the California Teachers Association have reportedly reached an agreement about the state ...
Alan Titchmarsh creeps into his garden by torchlight, picks all the slugs off his plants and hurls them over the country ...