Jack-in-the-pulpits are one of my all-time favorite spring wildflowers. I grew up with one that came back year after year in ...
Passalong plants are especially precious, creating tangible connections and memories to friends and loved ones from our past.
One of the best plants for under trees is Pachysandra terminalis, otherwise known as Japanese spurge. This is one of the best examples of evergreen ground cover plants, providing year-round ...
Dense ground cover plants are another category to avoid near septic systems. Plants like pachysandra, cotoneaster, and periwinkle can interrupt the necessary evaporation process necessary for the ...
Container plantings are used extensively at Boche’s home garden, too, supplementing in-ground materials such as hostas, birds ...
This year’s theme is “Landscapes of Love,” and I’m sure each of this year’s five highlighted homes will reveal the reason for ...
There’s no way to eliminate every tick from your property, but simple adjustments to your landscape will keep ticks from ...
I have extensive areas of evergreen ground covers (English ivy, periwinkle, and pachysandra) covering areas that were formerly lawn. Now let us consider the possibility of a vegetable garden and a ...
Allegheny spurge (Pachysandra procumbens) is a native alternative to the common groundcover much beloved by traditional landscapers everywhere. Canada Milk Vetch (Astragalus canadensis), which ...
9 Pachysandra terminalis, 18 Brunnera Jack Frost, 9 Carex ice Dance, 9 Helleborus Ballardine Jokerm 9 Helleborus niger Jacob Classic, 18 Liriope muscari, 36 Pulmonaria White/blue, 36 Tiarella ...