This is a plant that is easy to anthropomorphize due to its name, Jack, and the way it really does look like a little person ...
I grew up with one that came back year after year in the bed of pachysandra outside the kitchen door. It always felt like an old friend when it appeared in the spring. This is a plant that is easy ...
Passalong plants are especially precious, creating tangible connections and memories to friends and loved ones from our past.
There’s no way to eliminate every tick from your property, but simple adjustments to your landscape will keep ticks from ...
Container plantings are used extensively at Boche’s home garden, too, supplementing in-ground materials such as hostas, birds ...
Allegheny spurge (Pachysandra procumbens) is a native alternative to the common groundcover much beloved by traditional landscapers everywhere. Canada Milk Vetch (Astragalus canadensis), which ...
Ground covers have many benefits; however, when these plants become invasive, they also present drawbacks. Tipping the scales ...
Pachysandra (Pachysandra terminalis) Low, steadily and relentlessly spreading and very effective under deciduous shrubs, pachysandra is widely planted for good reason. English Laurel (Prunus ...
This year’s theme is “Landscapes of Love,” and I’m sure each of this year’s five highlighted homes will reveal the reason for ...
From low light to lean soil, experts say there's an option that will work for everyone. Last weekend, we finished planting ...