Researchers with Emory University in Atlanta recently found a correlation between increased exposure to traffic-related air ...
The apolipoprotein E gene (APOE for short) is linked to Alzheimer’s risk because it's involved in the body’s process for ...
Alzheimer's disease comes in two primary forms: early-onset and late-onset. While the symptoms of both kinds are similar, ...
認知症のアルツハイマー病の病変に関わる遺伝子について、新たな戦略を求めた論文が注目を集める。対象者は日本人の0.5~1%ともいわれる。治療薬の副作用などに違いがあり、対象者には診断や治療で別のアプローチが必要なのかもしれない。スペインのサンパウ病院などのグループは5月、米国のアルツハイマー病研究センターのデータなどを分析した論文を科学誌ネイチャー・メディシンに発表した。ある遺伝的特徴を持つ人で ...
Recent research has indicated that adults over 65 with a variant of the ε4 variant in the APOE gene, which is believed to be ...
Lilly has vigorously defended the safety of donanemab and did so again in the lengthy FDA rebuttal. Specifically, the company ...
Low levels of slow-wave sleep were linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, taking medications that can impact ...
New research suggests that having two copies of a gene variant could be an underlying cause—not just a risk factor—of ...
Decades ago, I remember drowning in the murky cesspool of fear — I knew I’d kill him. I convinced my mom to escape the ...
The FDA is looking to ask questions about a change of primary endpoint, treatment cessation and mortality reporting from the ...